October 20, 2008

10 days of 10 Horror Movies

So I am going to try and live the dream over the next ten days. I am going to attempt to watch 10 horror movies leading up to Halloween. I am not sure which ones I am going to watch yet, but I will give a not-so-official review of each one over the next few days. In the meantime, I have posted in the right-hand column what I currently feel are my top ten horror movies of all-time. I am sure I have forgotten some but these are definitely in my wheel-house when it comes to the fright-flicks.


Nickname -- Jana said...

What about Psycho???

Dude Poole said...

do you mean why don't I watch Psycho or why is it not in my top ten. Because it is in my top ten on the right. I may watch that but I'm not sure

Charla said...

Halloween? Michael Myers slowly walking toward you with a knife as you try to run away in your feathered hair and bell bottoms?? Scary shit.